Is it possible to overturn negative thinking?
There is nothing more detrimental to an organization than a leader with a negative mindset. In their view, efforts are rarely good enough, things just don’t ever seem to go right, plans will likely fail, people are unreliable, or problems are beyond fixing.
Do you work with or report to someone like this? Or, more importantly, are you known for being a person like this? If so, there are ways to address it, and overturn negative thinking.
Sometimes seen as pessimism, or negativity, negative thinking can be a pervasive handicap, not only for a leader, but for everyone down the line. Organizations with a negative attitude at the top will end up in ruin, according to John Maxwell, author of the book entitled, Attitude 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know (2003, Thomas Nelson).
Negative and positive thoughts have a way of fulfilling themselves, since our beliefs, hopes, fears, plans, responses, and abilities are shaped by how we think. Of all people, it’s the leader whose mindset has the greatest impact, making this the most critical area to be addressed, for the benefit of all.
Fortunately, with a more realistic perspective and the valuable input of others, you can overturn negative thinking.
This article explores pessimistic mindsets of leaders and individuals and offers steps to overturn negative thinking for the benefit of all.
This is a brief synopsis of a 975 word article and 3 Article Nuggets*, suitable for consultants’ newsletters for executives and leaders in organizations. It is available for purchase with full reprint rights, which means you may put your name on it and use it in your newsletters, blogs or other marketing materials. You may also modify it and add your personal experiences and perspectives.
The complete article includes these important concepts:
- Effects of Negativity
- Assess Your Thoughts
- Take a Look at Your Responses
- Reframe Your Thinking
- A Leader’s Responsibility
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- Overturn Negative Thinking – 975-word Article with Full Reprint Rights, $57
- Overturn Negative Thinking – 3-Article Nuggets* with Full Reprint Rights, $64
*Article Nuggets: The same article broken up into 3-5 blog-style sections suitable for a series of blog posts or shorter newsletter articles.