In spite of wide-spread coach training, most of the time managers aren’t using coaching skills to grow and develop their people. Instead, many managers still believe in their role as a problem solver, cutting short conversations with employees by providing solutions, advice, and answers.
Yet managers with a coaching style usually find that their employees are more committed, willing to put in greater effort, and are less likely to leave.
“Clearly, the benefits of building a coaching culture and increasing the effectiveness of coaching are great. There are both tangible benefits (increased employee engagement and productivity) and intangible benefits (improved culture and finding meaning and purpose in work).” ~ John H. Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett, The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow, McGraw-Hill, 2010
In spite of learning coaching skills, many managers struggle to have effective coaching conversations that lead to insights and change. A checklist for coaching conversations can help.
Having a guide to follow reduces stress and uncertainty. It also increases a manager’s confidence that nothing important will be forgotten. Smart managers use a coaching conversation checklist to see breakthrough results.
This article reinforces the importance of coaching conversations and outlines a coaching conversation checklist for smart managers using a four step model to initiate a developmental dialogue.
This is a brief synopsis of a 1,680-word and a 770-word article and 6 Article Nuggets*, suitable for consultants’ newsletters for executives and leaders in organizations. It is available for purchase with full reprint rights, which means you may put your name on it and use it in your newsletters, blogs or other marketing materials. You may also modify it and add your personal experiences and perspectives.
The complete article includes these important concepts:
- Four step FUEL model to frame the coaching conversation
- Managers also ask for feedback
- Why bother with coaching conversations?
- The Coaching Conversation Checklist
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- Coaching Conversations Checklist for Smart Managers– 1,680-word Article with Full Reprint Rights, $79
- Coaching Conversations Checklist for Smart Managers – 770-word article with Full Reprint Rights, $57
- Coaching Conversations Checklist for Smart Managers – 6-Article Nuggets* with Full Reprint Rights, $89
*Article Nuggets: The same article broken up into 5 blog-style sections suitable for a series of blog posts or shorter newsletter articles.